A Tour of the Semester (best lectures!)

 Let’s pinpoint three lectures that definitely deserve to be highlighted…


Lesson: Definition of what it means to be a tragic hero…

  • Tragic death

  • Responsible for own fate

  • Tragic flaw

  • Audience experiences pity and fear

  • Doomed to make a serious error in judgment

  • Falling from great heights

Analysis: Tragic heroes are destined to a horrible fate (often death) that the audience knows is coming but feels pity/fear regardless.

Gained: An understanding of what it means to be a tragic hero and examples of them in literature and pop culture.


Lesson: Different types of conflict…

  • Man vs. man

  • Man vs. nature

  • Man vs. society

  • Man vs. fate

  • Man vs. self

  • Man vs. supernatural

  • Man vs. machine

  • External conflict vs. internal conflict

Analysis: There are several types of conflicts that demonstrate different things that go against man and whether they physically or emotionally affect an individual.

Gained: An understanding of different subcategories of conflicts and whether they affect the person  internally or externally


Lesson: Literacy through different time periods…

  • 1800-1860: romanticism (emotion over reason)

  • 1840-1860: transendestists (nature/human experience)

  • 1855-1900: realism (post war/political change)

  • 1900-1950: modernism (the American Dream)

  • 1960s-today: postmodernism (fantasy and flaw)

Analysis: Literature is a product of its time period -Professor Brady

Gained: An understanding of what literature looks like from the perspective of people during different time periods.


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